Friday, March 20, 2015

"Just Checking In" - BODY SCAN for Self Care/Stress Management

"Hey, just checking in!"

I've noticed I often start out messages, notes, emails, etc. with that little tag, "Just checking in!"
Well today I incorporated a self care/body awareness technique that reminded me of this.  Some call it a BODY SCAN, but I like to call it, "Just Checking In!"

Doing a body scan exercise only takes moments, and it goes a long way in both increasing your self awareness AND decreasing the progression of things you are allowing within yourself that are mentally, emotionally, and/or physically damaging.  

A Body Scan is just that.  It's you taking some moments to STOP and Check In. CHECK OUT of what you are presently doing  (working, thinking, stressing, staring at a computer, etc) and CHECK IN to your body.  This create's self and body awareness.  Why is this important? Here's why ... 

1)  PHYSICALLY - you become aware of tension building in your body (which can lead to muscle fatigue and tension, headaches, body aches and pain, etc).  Once you are tuned into and become aware of the physical manifestations of stress on your body, you can take steps to alleviate these physical symptoms. You can recognize this sooner, in the beginning stages, rather than later, when it's become actual pain/ailment. 

2) MENTALLY - First off, you are taking a mental break, which is important for more reasons that the obvious.  Not only does it allow you to take a much needed mental breather, you will also find that the quality of your work and your endurance improves upon return.  Secondly, you become more aware and tuned in to your thoughts and how they are affecting your physical body.  When I do this exercise and I find that I have head tension and my brain feels like it's going a million miles an hour trying to get things accomplished, I make a point to focus on my head muscles and my head in general (even picturing my own brain).  Then I tell myself things like, "It's ok, you are working hard and you will get things accomplished.  Relax and then keep going.  It's all good." (Ha, yes, I'm encouraging you to talk to yourself!)

3) EMOTIONALLY - Emotions such as stress and worry and fear (and others ... fill in your own blanks), as you know, have an effect on us physically and mentally.  It works the other way around as well.  Our mental state and physical state can lead to certain emotions which often only continue the cycle.  So! Doing a Body Scan helps us to also become aware of our emotions, identify if we are feeling stress or worry (etc), and also see how it's effecting us in other areas.  We can then correct these, therefore, stopping the cycle.  

So, why wouldn't a quick little exercise like this NOT be an absolute must? Easy, quick, convenient, and it goes a loooooong way.  It could also keep you from developing that annoying headache (or neck pain or stomach issues etc etc) you "seem to get" at the end of a work day or certain project or even in a non work scenario (relationship stress, facing new self goals, etc).  

There are various techniques, ranging from more in depth exercises (similar to PMR exercises and such) to quick, on-the-spot exercises.  Today, though, I would specifically like to focus on a brief version that can be incorporated as yet another type of tool for you and your self care.

* NOTE: Be sure to only do this exercise within a safe environment as it is an exercise that is focused around deep inner concentration.  (Do not do this exercise while driving or during any other safety compromising activity.) 

Here's a quick (but potent) BODY SCAN option:

1) As always, get yourself in a comfortable position.  Close your eyes if able.  

2) Tune out of your external environment and begin to tune into your own body and self.

3) Notice right off what is going on with your body.  Do you feel tension anywhere? Do you feel any aches anywhere? If so, where exactly? Do you notice any dominant or repeating thoughts or feelings that may be leading to this tension? (For example, I may close my eyes and after tuning into my body, I notice that my head feels tense and my mind feels racy.)

3) Become aware of your breathing.  Begin to take more fluid, natural breaths.  Focus on your breathes.  

4) Picture yourself 'breathing in" relaxation and peace with each inhale, and "breathing out" tension and stress with each exhale. 

5) Just continue to notice any places within your body that need attention.  Breath out breaths through this area, and picture that the muscles in that area are relaxing with each breath.  Your mind determines what your body does after all, doesn't it? So tell it to relax. The main purposes of breathing are to breathe life giving oxygen in and to release carbon dioxide (released because it's not what our body needs).  So, it makes sense to breathe in what we need, and breathe out what we don't need.  

6) While you are guiding your breathes and relaxing tensions in your body, also allow yourself to casually notice any thoughts that are coming into your head. Recognize any that may be leading to your body tensions, and release those thoughts.  Each time those thoughts some into your mind, again, just picture yourself releasing them.  Offer in thoughts that are positive as it's these positive thoughts that are actually what help us to "get things done".  

7) Do your best to remained focused inwardly.  However, if interruptions come through, just acknowledge them and then let them slip away.  Then refocus on your body scan. Continue to check in with all parts of your body.

8) When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to your work or present activity with a better state of mind and relaxed body.  

So ... guess what? These types of exercises not only help "in the moment", they also help to retrain your brain over time.  As you continue to recognize and release negative thought patterns, you will notice that your natural tendencies will begin to naturally shift to positive/healthy thought patterns.  

Have a great weekend, friends!

Jessica Daisi

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