although it's sometimes hard to remember this
when we are having to run around in it.
Not so Fun Rain Activities: (do any of these sound familiar?...)
* Parking slot 99 is the closest one available. It wasn't raining when you left your house, but somehow the flood gates managed to open since then. You realize your umbrella is not in your car.
* Sure ... of all days for you to have to pack your car with extra items, there is a downpour. It's near to impossible to load your car and hold an umbrella at the same time, although you certainly did give it a try (if only chins came with opposable thumbs!)
* Well, you would've parked your car in the garage, but the garage has made no room for you
* When you went in the store the sun was shining. Here you are at checkout, and you hear the grumble of thunder and the banging of rain on the store roof.
Even through these situations, we (as adults) can still see the value of a rainy day. We know that rainy days are good for things such as reading, napping, lighting candles, watering the flowers, etc.
Kids, though, often do not see any sense at all a rainy day. To them it often means no recess (and this is a doozy for teachers and parents), no outdoor fun, cancelled ball games, and scary thunder sounds.
Rainy days can create an opportunity for a rather significant life lesson. Rainy days are good for certain things. Instead of simply biding time until the sun comes out, we can look around us and see what can be done during the storm. This very simple idea can later translate (into adulthood) from simple rainy day activities to life lessons.
Below are some fun rainy day activities I found online (FamilyFun from Disney). You may find it fun to write preferred activities down on individual pieces of paper, and then fill a jar with them. Label the jar "Rainy Day Fun", and keep it available for rainy days. This is especially helpful to children who really dread rainy days, especially those who fear thunderstorms.
Fun Rain Activities:
(Click on the activity to view the details/directions)
Mini Homemade Dolls
Make a Scene
Felt Board
Animal Finger Puppets
Portable Playhouse
Shadow Puppets
The Great Cardboard Castle
Boxcar Derby
Funny Faces
Funny ID Cards
Weather Watching Jars
Word Games
Mazes, Matches, and Memory
Princess Color Page
It's a Mighty Pirate Ship
Wizard Coloring Page
Draw Your Dinner Placemat
For more fun ideas, visit http://www.familyfun.go.com/
Have fun!
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