Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Turn Taking - An important social behavioral skill

We arrived back in town early yesterday evening from our family's annual 4th of July trip to the NC mountains. There's nothing like fireworks echoing off the mountain tops! I hope yours was wonderful, too.

Below is a description of and link to a Social Behavior activity that involves teaching and practicing a VERY important social activity ... waiting for and taking turns. This is a wonderful tool that I found on http://www.do2learn.com/.


Q: Why is this social behavioral skill important? In what areas will this benefit my child/student/client/self?
A: Along with this skill comes a greater peer awareness (rather than only focusing on one's own needs/wants). It also requires impulse control, and formal social thinking/planning.

"Turn-Taking is a crucial social skill that people need to master in order to be proficient in a variety of social situations. Remember that individuals with social and behavioral issues may need a systematic approach to teaching turn-taking behavior. Providing opportunities to practice this skill with different people and in different social situations will increase the likelihood of generalizing the skill and becoming independent with it." http://www.do2learn.com/

Here are some Real Life Examples:
-Child playing tag on the playground
-Adolescent playing a board game
-Adult getting out of a crowded parking lot

In this activity you will:

1. Read the hand-out/ "Taking Turns" Social Article
2. Develop a "Turn-Taking" Board for use with your child/student/client (see below)
3. Follow the instructions for developing structured, turn-taking activities.

This is a great tool! I encourage you to do this one if you feel this fits your child!


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