Thursday, September 3, 2009

Realizing Potential

Look at this picture. Does this look easy? No, it isn't. That's why the final result of all that hard work and determination is called ACHIEVEMENT.

I have heard in the past of various 'famous people' who have/had and/or exhibited ADD/ADHD symptoms, and I adore this because it once again proves the whole book and cover scenario. Before dismissing a child with ADD/ADHD (and/or his/her potential), remember that that child could very well be the one child in your classroom, therapy session, family, etc that could make history. What is holding them back is not what you think.

A thought occurred to me ... maybe these people, as children, had this excess amount of energy, drive, stubborn determination, and need to 'keep going' because that's what they needed to ultimately accomplish the things they did. Maybe somewhere deep inside they knew they were meant for great things, and they just needed some understanding, direction, and guidance. The real detriment is not the disorder, but the moments when someone allows themselves to not realize and acknowledge the potential of such a person.

What does all this mean? Does it mean we should allow an absence of boundaries and guidance? Certainly not. It means we should recognize a person's potential, help him to recognize his potential, and provide the means, the tools, and the inspiration to do so.

For children/young adults with an ADD/ADHD diagnosis ... don't ever let anyone convince you that you are anything less than who you are. Don't settle for the negative thoughts. Instead, use them. Let them drive you in a positive way toward positive goals. Honor yourself. It may be a bit elementary for young adults/adults, but that old Dr. Seuss quote holds true no matter what our age. It is this:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
- Dr. Seuss

What does this mean? It means instead of working hard to be like 'everyone else', realize that there is no one else but you that can accomplish what it is you were meant to accomplish. No one else. Not even 'everyone else'.

"Notice that these are all people who think "outside the box". There are also a lot of very creative people. Sometimes being a little "different" or not fitting into the norm, can work to your advantage. We hope this encourages you." - taken from

Bill Cosby
Jim Carey
Harry Belafonte
Kirk Douglas
Ann Bancroft
Dustin Hoffman
Robin Williams
Suzanne Somers
George Burns
Steve McQueen
Tracey Gold
George C. Scott
Sylvester Stallone
Whoopi Goldberg
Henry Winkler
Will Smith
Lindsay Wagner
James Stewart
Tom Smothers
Danny Glover

Pablo Picasso
Vincent Van Gogh
Ansel Adams

Bruce Jenner
Pete Rose
Magic Johnson
Jackie Stewart
Babe Ruth
Michael Jordan
Nolan Ryan
Jason Kidd
Greg Louganis

Leonardo Da Vinci
Orville & Wilber Wright
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Edison
William Wrigley
Alexander Graham Bell

Sir Issac Newton
Albert Einstein

Anwar Sadat
Abraham Lincoln
John F. Kennedy
Winston Churchill
Prince Charles
Dwight Eisenhauer
Robert F. Kennedy
Woodrow Wilson
Nelson Rockafeller

Walt Disney
FW Woolworth
Andrew Carnegie
Henry Ford
Malcolm Forbes
William Randolph Hearst

I hope this list inspires you and/or someone you love. Upon first reading the list, I was quite inspired. Then came the need to double check with other resources. I saw these names posted with various resources. Even one of these great names would inspire.

And to everyone ... be inspired, be true, be your best self.

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