Children far and wide look forward to the adventures of summer camp. Games and camp fires and fun, oh my! There are so many out there from which to choose.
There are also more specialized camps out there that are designed with a specific focus and/or need in mind. For example, there are space camps, art camps, sport camps, etc. There are also all sorts of camps out there for our children who have specific needs. There are camps geared toward special needs populations, medically based needs (i.e., Camp Happy Days), etc. These types of camps not only provide the children with fun filled activities, but also respite for the parents.
The camps designed especially for children with special needs are much more than an added opportunity for summertime fun. They provide many opportunities for skills-based work (many summer bridge activities) that help to reinforce things learned and accomplished the previous year in school (maintaining skills). They also help your child to develop socially as they work alongside and/or with other children to accomplish goals and tasks.
For some of you who have had your children in these types of summer camps, you are probably nodding your head in agreement. For others of you who have younger children and/or this is new to you, I wanted to point out just how great of a tool summer camp can be especially to our children with very specific needs.
Please know, also, that there are funding options out there for these types of camps as well. Camp can be a bit expensive at times. There are various charities, state organizations, etc which offer opportunities for summer funding. I always encourage anyone interested to apply for summer funds early on (at the start of the year before spring). If you wait too late, the money they set aside for this will be gone!
Oh! One more thing! The picture above is also a link to the website of this album. I do not own this album (although I hope to one day), but I loved the songs that I listened to on the website. I don't know if it's because I am hungry at the moment, but I especially love the food based songs ("Tater Pie" and "Campfire Beans"). Great lyrics and instrumentation - not just your everyday kid's songs. Love it!
Happy Camping!
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